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Posted: Dec 20, 2024 7:36 AMUpdated: Dec 20, 2024 9:43 AM

UPDATE: Adams Golf Course On Time For Major Renovations

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Cheyenne Gilkey
Adams Golf Course was scheduled for a whole new look on  November 1, 2024, for the replacement of all course greens, chipped and putting greens, the nursery, and an upgrade on the drainage system. Micah Siemers, Director of Engineering for Bartlesville, says that despite the wettest recorded November, progress has not been set back and they should have everything complete and ready for seeding by April 1, 2025, just in time for the United Way Tournament in September. 
So far, holes 9, 10, 15, 17, and 18 have been installed with the greens drainage and the greens mix as well as the completion of demolition  and reshaping of all greens except the chipped greens and the putting greens. 
"These items will likely be complete on the rest of the re-shaped greens in the next two weeks, with work beginning on installation of irrigation once they get mix placed on at least 10 greens. Once they get the irrigation installed, they will begin installing topsoil and establishing finished grade of the greens and surrounds," said Micah Siemers who is pleased with how progress is coming along  and comfident in their ability to meet the deadline.
Siemers is also pleased with the way Jonesplan, architect, contractor, and Adams Golf Course staff has worked together in making this renovation happen.
"The architect, golf course maintenance staff and contractor have worked well together to find solutions for some unknown hurdles that have popped up during construction while keeping the schedule and budget on track."

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